Friday, September 26, 2008

Who Trigger Pak Lah Fall?-Malaysiakini

Support for Pak Lah shaky, rumors of a new deal
Muda Mohd Noor and Wong Choon Mei Sep 25, 08 10:50am
Despite near unanimous support from two states, including his hometown of Penang, embattled Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is not out of the woods yet in his bid to stay on as Umno president.

Am I mad??Why I kept on fighting the odds??Well,maybe that's my way..I just love to see from opposite angle...After all we must be fair right??But why Pak Lah??After all he has done and after all he has created..Hmmm...But still I think we should give him some support for now since I still regard him as our leader for now maybe...And I have another question to ask,what make us think by removing Pak Lah,Malaysia can get better??

Ok for now ,let we study the events which lead to Pak Lah downfall 1st..Pak Lah is example of classic political assassination way back from former ROMAN empire...Typical democratic nation type of everyday political struggle...The Poor guy been dangled and tangled into large web of conspiration..The same conspiration which shown exit door for Tunku Abdul Rahman,Ghafar Baba and latest Anwar..Yes,the same conspiration almost cost Dr.M political life during 1987 UMNO crisis..

The truth about Conspiration
Conspiration occurs from the day 1 a person start to lead an organization..It happen everywhere, where the most common in our workplace in a form of office politics..Jealousy is the main contributing factor which will lead to poor leadership , bad management and unjust treatment claim against the victim ..Yes, jealousy is the main agenda..The same with Tun Razak who plot the downfall of Tunku Abdul Rahman,Anwar over Ghafar Baba,Dr.M against Anwar and Kuli against Dr.M...It happen when either a person holding greater power or intimidated with stronger opponent or successor below his rank...I believe the same here with Najib who carry conspiration momentum against Pak Lah from the day he been hand picked by Dr.M..We should remember,Pak Lah and Najib both veterans with equal strength in UMNO during Dr.M reigns. Both having 50-50 chances from the day Dr.M chose to lay down his throne..I'm sure many from Najib camp share the disappointment among them silently and of course the worse in Najib itself..I believe the disappointment level among Najib and his camp been kept low just to share the same boat without rattling it especially after Pak Lah received enormous support during 11th General Election ...The plot to bring Pak Lah also fuelled by Scomi monopoly in government deals where many Najib linked groups lost against greedy SCOMI..Yes,SCOMI become to bold and their presence is almost everywhere in government projects either direct or indirectly..Many start to pledge their support behind Najib to bring this monopoly down...Of course, any immediate rebellious act will spell great disaster for both Najib and his camps and they must be very careful..So they just kept quiet and continuously plotting and planning Pak Lah downfall...They waiting for the right moment to strike and they know it will take long.But many can ask,why Najib just can't wait for his turn..Come one guys,we are talking about Malaysian political system from Dr.M era..We are talking about land of Hang Tuah here..How a Malay can speak against a leader...If so,who want to labeled as penderhaka??So till Pak Lah generously hand over the throne or just past out,there is no even a single tiny voice dare to speak out about transaction..So what can Najib and his camp do now??The best is just to create problems and to lead Pak Lah into bad decision. Yes that's right..Lead him to a disaster..Let we go to the main event which bring Pak Lah down..or maybe down soon..

Najib & Anwar friendship lead the way..
Bizarre..Ridiculous..Are you out of your mind??This is a real stupid suggestion..But wait a minute, let me at least start..I know this going to blow your mind away...Najib and Anwar relationship is not something new..In fact Najib been supporting Anwar and vice versa since Mahatir reigns..Their relationship more than a childhood friends and in fact both parents close enough and suit to be labeled as close family friends..Many Malaysian don't know this fact..During 1998,Najib never even once condemn Anwar but still remain quite just to save his political carrier..I believe he fail to convince Dr.M since any support against Anwar will mark UMNO politician downfall during the height of 1998 reformasi struggle..

The best is to fix silencer and this what Najib did..But again,after Pak Lah took over,Najib earn some momentum to speak for Anwar and that what he did..Pak Lah never carry any special feeling towards Anwar and why do he need to even consider releasing him at the 1st place..Why the hell,Pak Lah instructed Khairy to work toward securing Anwar oversea treatment and suggesting fresh trail to release him if not for Najib..Of course,Pak Lah need to listen Najib and discuss with him in any decision he make since Najib is a Deputy and strong man in UMNO..Yes,its clear Najib play a huge role in securing Anwar release quitely..Najib knows, apart from helping his friend, he need to use Anwar as an ace card to erode Pak Lah popularity without risking his position in UMNO..He need to use external force and Anwar is the right guy..

2nd attack-Ijok & Anwar
For few years after his release, Anwar manage to stay low and quietly gather his strength to work against Pak Lah..His chance came at the height of Ijok by election..
Antantunya:Many would be surprise to see 1st attack straight to Najib in the form of Altantunya and submarine deal..Let me say this,if true Anwar have creditable information on Najib relationship and if true Anwar know what happen,why he still haven't produce any evidence against Najib..The accusation is just a mere accusation and again this is another tactic from Najib..Yes,Najib encourage Anwar to speak against him..The reason??Well this is the best part..The reason is simple, 1st Najib know no one can threat his position and come up with a solid evidence against him to link him with Altantunya..He don't mind Anwar talk about Altantunya since everybody already start to talk about his relationship with Razak Baginda from the day Razak step his foot in court..This is nothing new and he really ready to face such allegation...

2nd,by handling Anwar attack, he will keep low and look weak in the eyes of Pak Lah..In another way, he will look stronger when Anwar fail to produce any evidence in a long run..Of course Najib never expect RPK attack and again, if you look carefully ,Anwar just close 1 eyes in RPK case and never really fight along with RPK ..Have you think,RPK know better than what Anwar know??Or have you ever wonder, why RPK never work with Anwar and share his information with Anwar at the 1st place??Would it be better to just stand with PR than fighting Najib alone??The reason is simple, Anwar never really offer any assistance to RPK or stand with him..He just try to cool RPK down and now I bet he would be relief to see RPK lock down for good..For Najib and Anwar ,RPK is a surprise package and they both never expect him to spoil Najib ambition for premiership. In total, Najib allow himself to be exploited and clear his name later just to allow Anwar to gain momentum to topple Pak Lah..Do you ever realize, Najib never lose any support and start to gain sympathy when he successfully fend of Altantunya allegation today??Its a risky move but he won the finally and heading towards premiership title.

3rd attack-Early general election:In another attempt to smear Pak Lah reign..Anwar been fed with enormous informations of wrong doing from Scomi,Port Klang Free Trade Zone and many...How on earth Anwar got all the information from, everything that deem classified came to Anwar ears..Come one ,this guy spend 6 years behind bars and when he's out ,suddenly out of no where he know every single things..How about Lim,Karpal & Tok Guru or how about Wan Azizah??Why Anwar know more when all these leader fail to dig out information??..Have you ever wonder how??.Why Anwar drag everything out only after Ijok by election??Another question, Anwar knew about Linggam tape for years even before Ijok but why he chose to release the tape after Ijok??Why everything in sudden..??It's also a part of conspiration to bring all evidence and accusation together at the same time to divert mass attention in total..Maybe 1st attack not working as we saw how Ijok retained by BN..Then 2nd,3rd and so on follow one by one just to push Pak Lah into forcing a fresh election..He been forced by Najib and UMNO camp to carry 12th GE earlier just to fend off Anwar allegation and support..In total,such attempt done in hasty with ill advice from UMNO big guns even without clearing off many allegation and such act can be equaled to committing suicide..Yes, Najib and his gang force Pak Lah to carry on election a year early to kill him off fast!!!

4th attack-Dr.M
Do you realize the attack from Dr.M and his team,Dr.M stay on course with Najib all the way after Pak Lah forcefully remove many Dr.M deal.Now the soalan cepu emas..Why on earth Pak Lah willing to stage a duel with Dr.M when he should avoid it at the 1st place??If you look back,Dr.M been conned to believe Pak Lah really against him..The truth might be shocking but all this carried out quietly by Najib and his team..Yes,they manage to influenced Pak Lah decision just to stage kickboxing fight between Pak Lah and Dr.M....Remember,Pak Lah can't make any decision without by passing Najib nose and sure enough Najib manage to con Pak Lah into believing, he need to fend of Dr.M influence in UMNO by sidelining his projects..Of course this old man fail to see this and start kicking Pak Lah from Najib ring..

Dr.M throw a huge support behind Najib in the match and blatantly score a mark for Najib when he said,"I made a mistake by appointing Pak Lah instead of Najib"..This single statement fulfill Najib agenda and clear many path for him in the noble quest to drag Pak Lah out..By time Dr.M start to smell something in Najib camp from the dead silent around him..He soon realise,he been kicking alone without any moral support and start to kick Najib....Najib is smart to keep his tone down and waiting for the right moment to join kicking match..He felt it's too early and afraid many Pak Lah loyalist will turn against him if he make a fast move..The best is to wait all speak up and quietly garner unanimous support from every single UMNO member including Pak Lah team..He just laying low to strike harder.. But this old man is too late to realize Najib plan and now he standing alone and continue his fight with Pak Lah ..But that is not for long since Dr.M start to be more practical and to avoid losing up he start to join Najib and lend his hand in a quest to topple Pak Lah..

5th Attack-Election result and vote swaying.
Believe it or not, the election results determined mainly by Malays and Indian votes and few Chinese vote..
Chinese votes:Yes, even with full BN strength in their hey day, DAP always secure enough votes from Chinese communities in total..Can we even think about shaking Ipoh,KL and other predominant Chinese area in past from DAP???Oh ya, there is slight change this time in Penang where ,Chinese sway away en masses from Gerakan..But still it's from Chinese party to another Chinese party..Gerakan bit different from MCA where they been constantly challenged by UMNO Penang in a quest to hold Penang top post.. In this case,Penang Chinese continue to support Gerakan as they consider UMNO as an opposition to Gerakan in Penang..In such circumstances ,it's quite understandable why Gerakan continue to hold Penang seat against DAP..In total,Gerakan and DAP is same for Chinese and their support always sway from DAP and Gerakan and DAP again..But in this election, the multiracial support garnered by PR components pushing Chinese trend more towards DAP since they experiencing bizarre phenomena of Indian and Malay youth carrying DAP flags..This trigger a sense of security for them to sway towards DAP in total after felt UMNO will lose out badly against PKR or PAS this time around..At least they can settle with another Chinese CM ..So what if Lim replace Koh??Both still chinese right..

Indian votes:Ok this time we can't escape HINDRAF influence..Indian voting BN and MIC as part of their routine for past 50 years.I can say 98% Indian always go for BN..They never complain and carry on their life without complaining much..In total Indian happy with BN and felt secure with "Dacing" symbol..But what happen??Why the sudden move..Oh yes,HINDRAF..Who is HINDRAF and who behind HINDRAF...Kindly follow my previous posting on HINDRAF ( ).If you look closely, even with their leaders claim to be apolitics, no one can ignore the fact Lawyer Mano is a ardent supporter and member of DAP for years.Even he won the DUN seat under DAP banner and if true if they want to be clear from politics, why can't they stand as independent candidates?????.Many of Lawyer Mano work parallel and consistence with DAP backing and in total, DAP continue to stand strong behind HINDRAF..But their campaign start to gain momentum during the height of BERSIH rally..YES,BERSIH RALLY..And just look at this, in a week after fierce crackdown against BERSIH ,another massive rally carried out and this time by HINDRAF..I can call this a prelude to previous rally and the same mastermind of BERSIH successfully plot HINDRAF rally this time..If you look closely, hardly we can see any Indian in BERSIH rally and in a bid to drag Indian along with their struggle, HINDRAF rally was staged..Just look at the timing..Was it marvelous???If yes, who behind all this..??Hmm I can't think about anyone else except Anwar.

Malay votes:Here comes the big one,this time pre defection from UMNO itself..That's right,UMNO members vote against UMNO this time..And who behind this??..But still Najib felt secure with such mass defection,oh yes, he know Pahang still strong and Pekan is the stronghold for FELDA..Here he manage to raise his popularity among fellow UMNO members with FELDAhan enormous giant support which lead to biggest ever majority in UMNO camp.And yes,he less bother about losing some seat in Kelantan,Terrenganu,Kedah,Penang but of course he never expect to lose Perak and Selangor.Anyway,losing Selangor is a blessing since it manage to trigger loud message to BN government especially to Pak Lah to step down.Selangor always considered as heartland of BN Government and losing this akin to losing government in total.And of course,Najib know,nothing can shake Sabah & Sarawak this time to secure BN majority..For that reason, he don't mind some UMNO vote sway towards PR..Najib campaign to create ultimate near defeat gain momentum with Dr.M support as always where Dr.M openly encourage UMNO member to vote for opposition.

6th Attack-Anwar Plan to Putrajaya
Well,I'm sure this is the most powerful weapon from Najib buddy from another side of camp..Can't we still fail to realize this myth???Are we so dumb to still believe this??Why on earth Anwar willing to con Malaysian and PR components party into believing such defection..I'm sure anyone with comfortable position won't resort in such tactics for now since I can see Anwar willing to risk everything (his creditability) in wielding such blatant claim of defection.Again, this is another scare tactics to push Pak Lah out forever courtesy of Najib team..Even this time Anwar got conned and carried away with the prospect of being next PM..Anwar as always, an overconfident and start to break away from helping Najib as he planned before IJok..After PR won many seat,I believe Najib promise Anwar to crown him with premiership title and send many UMNO MPs to support Anwar bid..According to Najib masterplan,these frogs won't stop jump and ultimately will jump back all together to UMNO after short spell in PR and this time with Anwar to revive BN back.What Anwar fail to realize is,Najib never once shake away from his aim and using Anwar to push Pak Lah with strong signal(no confident vote)..See this frogs won't jump and just pretending to jump to cast no confident vote against Pak Lah..But again,we have to wait for next parliament session to find out the truth..Anyway Najib team took another extra step and this time to go further with UMNO MT support..

7th Attack-ISA & Racial Issue
In order to shake any tiny support left for Pak Lah in UMNO and BN components party, another attack been carried out and this time with ISA and Bukit Bendera fiasco..Kindly read my earlier posting for clear view.(

8th Attack-UMNO MT & Muhiyidin open attack
Oh now, with no doubts Pak Lah exit clearly open and he in a final stage of attack..I bet,this going to shake Pak Lah balls and shrunk it down..Yes, how on earth a head of party can afford to lose supports of his pillar (Supreme Council )..That's the end for Pak Lah and with new parliament session,Pak Lah heading for final countdown..RIP Pak Lah and I'm sorry ,you lose the final battle and yes Najib already clearing up his Malaysia Deputy PM palace to move to your palace.

Final point to note,politics is always about consipirations and power struggles..As a leader, he or she must be strong and wise enough to maneuver any oppositions within or outside the party..Fail to do so will spell disaster in their political ambition.Classic example of strong leadership can be traced in Dr.M where for many years he manage to rid countless oppositions and killed off many attempts to bring him down..He countinues to be strong till the last day and I really can see why our nation continue to propel under his rule..Many can argue about corruptions and ect but still can you name a single politician who clean from corruptions??Hmmm maybe Tok Guru Nik Aziz I guess :=)...Ok apart from Tok Guru Nik Aziz...Same goes to Anwar,maybe we thinks he is a strong leader but still he fail to be patience and to ride the flow in order to stay on top...By right, Anwar should know how to be diplomatic and smile infront Dr.M but quitely plot an exit route for his boss..He fail to plan and he paid heavy price for his failure...As how I see, weak leaders will always washed away at the end since in the game of politics,there is no place for weak leaders..

*Well, all the details above is purely by my own analysis and imagination as I love to see things from another angle..I can't claim all above is true and I leave fellow readers to evaluate this piece of writing..100X sorry if I provoked or belittled your intelligence in any way since, I’m just practicing my right to express my view. Thanks



SuNi's Kitchen said...

Well vicky...your 'theory' is also possible.The most factual being weak and 'compassionate' leaders can never survive in this playing field of politics.

Anonymous said...

Too much speculation in your conspiracy theory, giving too much credit into much of what is going on. Much of what you speculate while interesting is not quite as logical or sensible as it could be. In fact much is quite far from the truth, I should know... :)

v-key said...

Don't be suprised,you can actually dig out piles of garbage from this political games.

Nothing impossible here since all for theirself and believe me..No one dare to pursue political agenda without expecting something..

After all this is their rice bowl and here every politician out to make something or try to hang on for every 5 years and so..
It's up to us to evaluate Malaysian politician..Kindly go through my previous article below to understand our mistakes in practicing our right to chose the right leader..

ApaKhabar said...

In short he has been attacked left and right. LOL!