Monday, September 29, 2008

Greatest Malaysian Sedekah -Malaysiakini

PKR wants religious body to probe sex claims
Athi Veranggan Sep 27, 08 6:30pm@

Perak PKR wants the state religious authorities to probe the allegations made by two party members that they were ‘tricked and trapped’ by the ACA and another person to having sex with Chinese nationals

Here comes the giant killer..Sex and Sedekah..So what we got here??PKR in sex scandal..Proved and confessed..So how about sedekah??Hmmm biasalah..Bulan Ramadan ini segala galanya sedekah..Joker what a joker...Truth will never goes astray and soon enough something will dig em out..Guess no one perfect huh..

I know this sound ridiculous but instead clearing up their mess straight away ,why the hell PKR shooting at the opposite parties....By right,PKR should thanks their opposite parties to reveal their rotten apple..Why the hell they got so upset???Ok now they going after the whistle blower huh...Gosh what a hypocrite they are..

PKR should realize their image already tainted and by right PKR should just immediately fire this guy instead politicise such issue...It's quite normal for others to pick you up and it's head duty to identify the black sheep 1st..After all,this how politics work..This is the beauty of balance check..If you dare to pinpoints other,you should look at your back again and again..

So what if the guy from PKR or BN..Even Bill Clinton experience cold feet with such scandal..Even Theirry Henry lost his wife due to the same sex rampage..So how??the ball in your court..Leave that pimp guy and go get your own guy..Please for a sake to save your image Mr.PKR...

Talking about sex..Nothing new here atleast..So with power,with fame and with blind trust from people, no doubt money and sex will push politician to a limit..This is nothing new in Malaysia infact all around the world..There is no single politician can deny such privilege to mingled with sex or monetary advance..Here comes the best part when your big brother tend to back you blindly..So what could stop them huh..

To get crook politician and government official,I believe one can entitle to use any means and here using girls to get this guy is absolutely ok..We all know,prosititutes can be found anywhere in Malaysia..Infact just look at Lorong Haji Taib and the pondok polis..How can we relate both??Can I say, policeman stationed there to protect innocent prostitutes??Look more and less like that right...So getting a girl for sex nothing new and relatively safe in our country..So what the fuss..

If so PKR on pimps busting mission,why don't PKR just grab a ride there and lodge thousands of police reports against Lorong Haji Taib pimps.???.Would it be better than getting on a pimp who tear your own man mask..???

Ok this is just a tip of ice berg..How about others??Can we continue to screen em??Ok let say Anwar talk about defection and integrity on his side to pull BN Mps..Can we safely say,Anwar pimping those guy??.You can call it post pimp,power pimp or ect..The fact is,pimping still pimping and nothing can be so different..Maybe the frog Mps can safely say later,the post i holding now is a sedekah from Anwar..

Happy pimping guys and gals..And yes,bulan Ramadan ini sedekahlah sebanyak mungkin..Maaf Zahir & Batin ye..


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