PM not contesting, to quit in March
Malaysiakini Team Oct 8, 08 4:39pm@ Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has decided not to defend his Umno president post and will quit in March next year when the ruling party meets at its annual general assembly.So we suppose to believe Pak Lah will walk away just like that huh??Hmm even Dr.M will be fooled this time....Dr.M you 're right with your previous posting, "he will never leave Putrajaya" without a fight..Yes,that's right Pak Lah is back and getting stronger..Well,I do believe he will continue to hold the reign atleast till next election..So Najib,here comes Pak Lah with big bang..Don't ever think you can even smile now..Just hold your balls and wait for Pak Lah next move...
Oh yes,we believe Pak Lah the most lembik PM ever in Malaysia ,and yes we believe he will never use his brain when making decision and leave all to his forth floor boys..Hmmm so now ,do you think forth floor boys will banish just like that, leaving all their master plan and business deals???Well they will strike back and this time they are loosening the grip and let the mass calm down..That's right, there is a saying in Tamil,a tiger will always stay calm to strike back with full strength....Yes, this how a perfect predators work..They won't just jump blindly even when their prey in front them but will always wait, analyze ,creating calm environment just for 1 perfect trap and execute furiously in just 1 single hit..So how Pak Lah going to trap and execute???
Pak Lah todayWell it's clearly that Pak Lah struggling with rough water now..Many start to abandon his ship and moving on with Najib ship which look more solid and stable..He fail to create pulling factor..Yes, it’s true he's losing the grip but why???Why he losing his man???What makes Najib look formidable in the eyes of his own man..Just look at this, even his close buddy shying away and most shocking to see Mr.Taib throwing full support behind Najib openly..Yes,look like Pak Lah team just being smart at this moment just to ride the tide..They just wanna stay in fight and afraid to fight the strong currents..
Muhiyidin Move & 1st option(soft approach)Oh yes,many out made to think that Pak Lah never been forced to submit with Najib team but I still never forgot the 1st reaction from Pak Lah when Muhiyidin incite the 1st move...Hastily ,in a second Pak Lah retaliate by expressing his regret and disappointment with Muhiyidin views..Believe me or not,this single reaction is what his enemy need to bring him down..Pak Lah failure to contain his emotion start off the domino effect...Yes,Pak Lah should never burst out immediately and by right he should keep calm and focusing in preparing his defense by refurbish his support in Supreme Councils....Yes, he just need to say this single word to Muhiyidin
"Well I will respect your view and please give me some time study this"...That's right,Pak Lah might as well clear the road with some room and time to spare by saying this..He will obtain the precious time that he need to convince and throw huge goodies to his Supreme Council team before retaliate Muhiyidin attacks..
But unfortunately, he went off gaurd and continue to live in a great denial on his formidable Supreme Council support..Yes, a real stupid assumption...He should know that seasoned politician and UMNO strongman like Muhiyidin will never blatantly voice out without receiving proper support and instruction from well organized team which of course includes UMNO Supreme Council..
Muhiyidin Move & 2nd option(hard approach)If only Mahatir in Pak Lah shoe, he will immediately sideline Muhiyidin and create lots of problem to him ..How about digging out Muhiyidin old garbage or just another fresh sodomy trail maybe? :=)...Yes, that's what Mahatir will do just to install fear to others...Sadly Pak Lah look weak by saying,I'm really regret and surprised with Muhiyidin statement on the transaction periods which he agreed earlier..By expressing his regret, he just showing that he is grieving the lost of Muhiyidin's friendship ..You know what, this is the real SIGN OF WEAK LEADER..A strong leader will never get disappointed or sadden with back stabber but will only get mad..That's right, Pak Lah should show his anger on Muhiyidin openly by declaring all out war on Muhiyidin..Gather your own team and attack Muhiyidin left and right..Use this powerful word "Penderhaka"(Traitor) or Pengkhianat..
"Penderhaka" or "Pengkhianat"is the most sensitive word among Malay community and this single statement from a Malay leader will kill Muhiyidin & his idea instantly. I’m bet others would never even dare to step into Muhiyidin territories again..
PAK LAH NEXT MOVE?(Introduction)Well, mistake and damage done and now it's time to hit back..See,Pak Lah are getting stronger this time..Surprised..Why not, after he publically declare to leave premiership who won't get surprised when I think Pak Lah still in the race...I won't blame you since the current situation gain loser title to Pak Lah..Yes,he look exhausted and tired to keep on fighting..
That's me, since I love to see from different angle..Seriously I still think Pak Lah are fighting back..Let me show why and how..As I mentioned earlier, the reason for predator to stay calm is to attack...Yes, Pak Lah just staying calm and following the flow for now..In my eyes, he manage to fend off immediate threat successfully by delaying the hand over for another 6 mths..Looking at the magnitude of current attack, by right Pak Lah journey should come to big end by now and Najib (if he smart enough) should just finish him off during upcoming December UMNO election..But why Najib agree with March transaction deal????Why he giving more time to Pak Lah???What happened between them??What is their deal???Many questions still hanging huh..
NAJIB REFORM "opportunist to fighter"Well, I can't deny this..Indeed Najib more toward opportunist than a fighter..This is not new and many realize this..But this time, the stage is clear for the take over and his path is clear..But still, he hesitate to complete the attack which I believe will ultimately cost his premiership dream..By giving more time to Pak Lah,he inviting disaster now..Why??
All this while Pak Lah believed Najib continuously throwing his rock solid support behind him.I still remember how Pak lah praised Najib Loyalty during recent press statement..But all changed soon and Najib moving from being mere opportunist to a real play maker..He decide to take on Pak Lah in open duel fight rather than waiting for his turn..For him, enough is enough and he getting impatient and start to lose the trust he nurture on Pak Lah promises..I believe his team manage to incite and encourage him to take on Pak Lah now since I know,this is not how Najib work..
PAK LAH ACTIONS AND GAME PLAN.Enough is enough for Pak Lah..He faced to many traitors and he 's waking up with the help of 4th floor boys..Yes,now it's Pak Lah turn to plot the master plan..The blueprint is ready and he is closing in on Najib to finish him and any treath once a for all including Dr.M team..Ok,let me summarized Pak Lah actions and strategies...
Convince Najib to postpone UMNO election from December 2008 to March 2009.Relatively, this is not new since he manage to do it in past by promising smooth transaction coming 2010..But this time things is different since he fail to make the last decision unlike the earlier postpone. This time,Pak Lah need to beg for the new date and agree with March dateline to hand over by stay away from the contest..
If we look carefully, the reason he set December earlier is just to revive UMNO support but he realize and know he fail to do that..The attack by Dr.M team,Anwar and invisible Najib team fail his bid to gather formidable support by December..He realize the knife at his neck now..Slow down and more time is the option now..He start of by giving up Finance Seat and now with the promise of refraining from contesting just to convince Najib to push the date to March..Yes, he successfully persuade Najib and this is Pak Lah 1st success..
UMNO Deputy Post.Yes,this time Pak Lah creating chaos inside UMNO and breaking current strong Najib team by incite many UMNO hopeful to compete for second post..Yes,I believe this is a another part of Pak Lah strategy now..Why and how this going to help Pak Lah..Ok ,don't you get surprised to see Taib & Rustam going for second post???????Well,I think you got me here..Taib and Rustam ,always stay as Pak Lah loyalist. If my prediction is right, Pak Lah always want Rustam to hold Deputy Post..Najib is getting closer and Pak Lah have to bring him down now in order to survive..
Slowly he building up his team and yes he manage to bring up Rustam now..All this while Rustam always stay low and prefer to follow his leader diligently..Never once he show any passion to stage duel with anyone..In short Rustam might not a popular figure among public but still he carries a favourite boy image for Pak Lah and gather many loyal followers in UMNO mainly from Pak Lah team..Suprisingly,Rustam become more vocal now and sticking up his head in many issues since last March..Believe me, this is just a part of grooming process and now he's ready to take on Najib with the blessing of Pak Lah..Luckily, Najib manage to reveal the real situation by starting off the campaign earlier..Now Pak Lah know that his support is still far away..But still now he got another solid 6 mth to kick off new strategy..
By inciting many candidates in rat race for Deputy post, whole UMNO will break up..Remember, all the hopeful candidates will reveal their supporter and Pak Lah will identify all hidden Najib supporter..Relatively simply, just concentrate on Muhiyidin supporter and nominator..Yeah, now he will know who behind Najib and who been actively plotting his downfall with Najib..I also love to remind, every Supreme Member carriers leader title for their respective division and the job is simple to identify Muhiyidin or Najib team now..
By getting Rustam & Taib, Pak Lah will identify his team..At the same time creating heavy fight which will gather all Pak Lah supporter to openly fight Muhiyidin which will translated to Najib..
UMNO Youth Post..Well ,I read some interesting theory from fellow blogger who suggest Pak Lah might lay down Khairy appointment a part of the deal to relinquished his post to Najib..Well,it's interesting theory but still I think,Khairy never really put his heart on Youth Post...Yes, surprised right..Ok let we sit down and think about this..Why we think Khairy need to hold Youth Post now since Khairy relatively still young..Young??Why I'm dragging his age??Wait..Age is a major factor in UMNO Youth post..As UMNO Youth leader, never in history someone will hang on the title for donkey years..In order to move the rank, they should just use Youth post as short transit before moving up..In this case,by holding youth leader post at young age,Khairy should move to higher rank of Deputy at least before even reaching 40 since he still around 32 now..I'm sure, never in UMNO history Youth member entitle to Deputy Post..This is very sensitive since there is many UMNO veterans who carrying strong supporter with them. Here Khairy will fail by time he ready to move the rank since he still will be attached in Youth team for his age...To long in Youth will also spell disaster for him since Youth never allow their leader to hold the post for donkey years..
Now you may ask why Khairy running for the post??Here how I put together..By joining the race,Khairy will continue to break UMNO but in Youth level..Yes, the same strategy which been applied on Deputy race where in there, Senior UMNOs will break and here Youth UMNOs will break..Perfect right!!!
Three Master Reform Plan from Pak Lah is the greatest stroke..Unbelievable to believe someone who going to resign in 6 mth time taking all the trouble to work out mountain tasks??Ok,now we move to another move and strategy..Well this time Pak Lah gathering support from BN components and Malaysian in total..All three strategy and reform directed to gain support from BN Partners and Malaysian in whole..Just look at the reform,everything we hoping from..Judicial to Race..Everything that Pakatan Rakyat fighting for will be executed by Pak Lah..
See,the game is about losing or winning..The time is ticking and Pak Lah is very desperate to hit the final alarm..Nothing is impossible now..I believe, Pak Lah have learned his lesson and there is little time to spare now..See, I believe Pak Lah will stop everything..
Nothing will involve SCOMI again..He will go straight to people now..Don't be surprised to see,Dr.M in fresh "Correct" Trial now, Don’t be surprised with "RPK RELEASE" in order to gain mass support and to allow RPK fresh attack on Najib....Yes don't be surprised for more goodies..
Anyway I'm sincerely hoping UMNO presidential struggle will benefit the mass in total and looking for more surprise from Pak Lah...And ya,if you recall Pak Lah statement again during Q&A session, he had mentioned about Najib chances to succeed him"Well if(note this "IF") Najib won the president election ,then he can become next PM"...See, this is ultimate double meaning word from Pak Lah..He never confirm and I will never get surprised if so Pak Lah decide to change his mind to compete for the presidency coming March..I believe this will happen and mark my word"PAK LAH WILL NEVER STEP DOWN EASILY WITHOUT PUTTING UP FIERCE FIGHT".....
Well, no doubt Najib having the edge now but leaving president power to his enemy(Pak Lah) for another six month will spell nothing but disaster for him..Najib will soon know who is Pak Lah and the real Power that PRESIDENT & MALAYSIAN PRIME MINISTER CARRIES...Yes, you can say Pak Lah weak or sleepy head but still he hold the ultimate power that can hold & shrink any Malaysian balls include Najib..Well gear up for next 6 months of Malaysian Great Battle....
*Again, all above based purely from my own imagination without any evidence or proof to support my claim..I can't claim above is true and 1000X sorry if ever I hurt or belittle anyone out there. Thanks