Sunday, September 14, 2008

PR fail to Putrajaya confirm?-Malaysiakini

Penubuhan k'jaan baru mungkin terpaksa dilewatkan
Sep 11, 08 6:31pm@
Tarikh sebenar penubuhan kerajaan baru mungkin terpaksa dilewatkan dari 16 September, sebagaimana rancangan awal, akibat beberapa ahli Parlimen telah dipaksa ke Taiwan, kata Pakatan Rakyat hari ini.

Well,916 ,917,918 ..nothing will work since all against the odd..Trully,DSAI should admit his plan tumble badly and he in the verge of backing off from Federal Government dream till upcoming GE 2013...There's strong odds and series of events which clearly indicate his failure..Of course ,I'm not here to condemm him since he tried his best but the reality hard to define and the might of BN steadily erode every bit of his ambition 'FOR NOW"..I have some clear fact to support my claim below based on latest events..

1)If true, some MP on the trip to Taiwan willing to jump,why the hell should they join the trip..Come on,who can force them and why they want to please their BN master???Make sense right...Just stay here and jumplah..Why we need to create this drama..Or are these MP just want to bargain final offer from BN to make them stay put in BN???Well the both reasons does make sense and if true they just bargaining goodies from BN,then better we avoid such people in PR ...Ethics is more important and with unethical people on PR ,there is no much different than current government..Hope DSAI will think about it..

2)Why ,till today we never heard name or any move from MPs to switch on the button...(Remember 4 MPs jump claim during Turkey embbasy fiasco).Well,till date whoever linked to PR just deny it and even condemm DSAI..Would they change their mind overnight and the next day bow to PR struggle??What will happen to these politician then???Will you ever believe such liar???Do we need such leader???

3)If so,the MP willing to hop,why on earth they just can't keep their mouth shut and utter no comments instead these MPs chose to openly shy of such claims with loud mouth..

4)Why PR need to highly publicise the trip by PR delegates since they can just discuss everything on phone??Do they trying they last option here..A clear desperate measure izzit??If PR so confidence,then why need to rush there..???Can't they wait them to fly back if true these MPs willing to jump..Or will it be like,PR try to counter offer whatever BN offering there???Seriously, this whole trip by PR delegates look fishy and nothing to be cheer about..Just showing low class politics ploy..

5)Why there is no new date set if true DSAI have the confidence..Ok,DSAI might say the delay because Taiwan of bla bla..But of course these MPs will be back right..Of course these jumping MPs should inform DSAI their Taiwan departure right if true they already commit to jump.??.Then why DSAI still can't set the new date???Fishy right??

6)All we heard is SAPP who willing to jump..Maybe due to earlier dicussion in HK with Yong..But Mr.Yong is a profesional when come to jumping and he just need something after left behind by Sabah BN for a long time..This guy is ethically tainted and not a type of politician who capable to lead nation in anyway..So how about others Sabah MPs..None have shown any sign of jumping and why they should worry if only they ready to jump..None have shown slightest indication apart from condeming jumping theory..Again,It's hard to think they would make a big U-turn suddenly and together lost their creditability if they do so..


I do support DSAI and love to see the change..But DSAI should tone down the speaker and do it quietly and announce it a day or two before they jump..A continous echo of hopping is really dumb and act of postponing the date to unknown date is not something to cherish..I personally can't agree with this headless claim again and again and as an ardent PR supporter,I kind of losing my hope and of course I will try to avoid a leader who don't have any creditability with loud mouth..This kind of leader will not hesitate to lie in future and how on earth we can take their word..I just hoping DSAI won't fall in that category and will act fast or just annouce he fail in his quest..Of course we can wait till next election and show your capability to pull investors and propel PR state economy..Nothing is wrong if you can admit now and wait till next GE than carry on with the baseless claim..If yes do it or don't let us hear hopping or jumping from you again..To DSAI, I already regards you as my hero and same goes to many out there..Just don't destroy it..Think wise and act fast or just be honest..The damage on economic is getting worse with such claims since a businessman like me felt the pinch of getting raw materials in USD..Hope you won't play around with Putrajaya dream anymore..We are getting tired and fed up already..



Anonymous said...

Mr.vicky i really pity ur comments.
this country is beeing as a police state. that is the reason few MPs despite supporting DASI have choosen to go along this trip.
one of the main reason of this trip by ABB is to find out who r those?....DASI is also equally clever ....this change over should happen at one time at parliament house...not even 24 hrs earlier also...24 hr time is too much for this corrupt IGP and AG to manipulate DASI plans.....hope you got it

Nostradamus said...

A Malaysian Time Clock Slowly Clicking towards 16 September!
(Versi Bahasa Melayu dibawah)

Tick, Tock! Tick, Tock! Tick Tock!

Inbetween, spare parts and batteries still insufficient in case it stop.

Some try to move it faster by 15 minutes, some by 30 minutes.

Nobody thought of moving it backwards. I wonder Why?

Most keep on looking at the clock on the desk to check the time.

Some just make sure it is moving all the time.

Some just keep on staring at the clock, not sure whether it is moving or stopped.

Somebody propose the clock is not dependable. Must replace with another clock or bring in an
old working clock. At least the old clock don't show the date and month.

Someone even propose to have more clocks to make sure the time is correct.

Someone propose to put sunshade on the clock face so only some can see.

Some propose to change the numerals on the clock so that not all can read the time.

Some even propose removing the second hand from the clock. After that maybe someone will propose, removing the minute hand also.

Finally someone propose, "Why don't remove the hour hand also and just have the date and month displayed?

"Time is Golden? Does Man determine Time and Fate?"

(Versi Bahasa Malaysia)

Jam Malaysia berdetik Perlahan-lahan ke 16 September!

Tick, Tock! Tick, Tock! Tick Tock!

Sementara tu alatganti tambahan dan batteri masih belum mencukupi, jika berhenti.

Ada yang cuba percepatkan masanya 15 minit, ada yang nak 30 minit.

Tak ada sesiapa pun yang mengerakan ia ke belakang. Hairannya aku?

Kebanyakan cuma memerhati jam atas meja dan masanya.

Sesetengah cuma memastikan jam tu masih senantiasa bergerak.

Sesetengah cuma merenung jam dan tidak pasti ia masih bergerak atau berhenti.

Sesetengah bercadang jam tu tak boleh diharap. Kena ganti dengan jam lain ataupun bawa masuk jam lama. Sekurang-kurangnya jam lama tak tunjuk tarikh dan bulannya.

Ada juga orang bercadang untuk menambahkan jam-jam untuk menentukan masa itu betul

Ada orang bercadang untuk menutup muka jam dengan pelindung matahari supaya cuma kita dapat melihatnya.

Sesetengah bercadang menukarkan angka-angka pada jam supaya tidak semua dapat membaca masanya.

Sesetengah bercadang mengeluarkan jarum panjang saat daripada jam. Selepas tu mungkin ada juga yang akan bercadang mengeluarkan jarum panjang minit juga.

Akhir-akhirnya ada orang bercadang, "Mengapa tidak keluarkan jam pendek juga dan tinggalkan cuma tarikh dan bulan untuk dipaparkan.

"Masa itu Emas? Adakah Manusia menentukan Masa dan Takdir?

v-key said...

Hello anonymous,there go another without creditable nick..Ok if it so ,what can police really do if they want to jump??drag in ISA or just put them in lock up..There is no such thing as you claim..The police won't dare drag 30 over MPs with them..This is baseless comments..

The truth is,DSAI might got some commitments but soon the frog back up..Remember Mahathir comment,"I don't think DSAi can pull these frog since another bidder offering higher than him"..Can't you get it,the MPs back up from the deal with better offer..

Listen this,politics is dirty and we can easily manipulated with politician games..All looking for something but still there is some balance check if PR can compete equally with BN..The idea which DSAI gave should be supported and even he will found it hard to back off from his original ketuanan rakyat since the components of PR have equal strenght and share..The element of balance check already can be traced in PR and this good for now.

Anonymous said...

dear vicky,no matter what u said ,i still take anwar as my hero ,doesnt matter if he failed to be PM,but at least he had kept one promise,that he is now in parliment as a opposition leader,that will make the difference, all the way anwar,i still support u

Anonymous said...

u must be another Barisan najis's i rite?

Anonymous said...

An MP has been arrested under ISA based on some false claims against her even when those claims have been nullified by many other parties involved before the arrested. In the world of politics, nothing is imppossible! They don't move with rational thinking.

Anonymous said...

Read Berite dari Taipei from this link

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said…

Very Shallow you must see all this coming because All The Rakyats of Malaysia can no longer with-stand the hypocrisies, bullshits, lies and deceits of these UMNO Clowns now in Power ok???

We urge all BN Components MPs with a conscience to do the necessary to make possible a New Malaysia for all Rakyats of Malaysia so that all our children and their children & their children’s children’s future will be safe and secured in the Country we all love and not be intimidated by those UMNO Clowns now in power with their oppressive & fear tactics and in the verge of making Malaysia a Police State if left unchecked otherwise.

Moronic PeeM and Botak Home Minister last minutes’ attempts to cling on power by using the fear tactics of using the ISA at their whims and fancies selectively against dissent & tried to deny their own actions as they now have no balls to face the wrath of the all the Rakyats of Malaysia.

All Rakyats of Malaysia will see to that these Clowns will be thrown out soon come the New Dawn of Malaysia & that all Rakyats of Malaysia will welcome the New Malaysia on Malaysia Day 916, 2008 for a Malaysia for All Malaysians.

Justice MUST BE DONE for Altantuya and for all those detained under ISA without the trial nor the rights of appeal. Light-up a Candle in the Lantern of the Mid-Autumn Festival for them all to usher in the NEW DAWN OF MALAYSIA COME 916, 2008